Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Misadventures of Maude March by Audrey Couloumbis

My reading of children's/young adult books has been slow-going this summer. It took me way too long to read this book! And as a result, I don't think I enjoyed it nearly as much as I could have. The premise is cute; Maude and her sister Sallie are orphans who lose their guardian aunt in an unfortunate accident. A string of "misadventures" ensue in which Maude becomes a wanted woman. Sallie, the narrator, is spunky, while Maude is a bit sour (who wouldn't be angry in her position?!?). The book didn't really hook me until maybe the last quarter, at which point I read until I was finished. I think this book will appeal to readers who are interested in reading about strong female characters, as well as those who like books about the Wild West.

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