Monday, July 23, 2007

What? I have to work instead of read?

My family (husband, 9 year old son, 10 year old daughter, and myself) all trekked to our local Borders Friday night for the Harry Potter release. We arrived near 10:00, and, naturally, it was very crowded. I was very disappointed in the event. I expected so much more for the finale, especially having been to two previous HP release parties at other Borders stores. My kids had no interest in the activities going on (the only ones that were really obvious were the Bingo going on in the children's department and a costume contest later on). I know there were other things, but it was hard to tell what was a planned activity in the midst of all the people. My kids were bored, and the only high point of my night was running into a former classmate and having a great conversation about job possibilities. Nevertheless, we stuck it out until midnight since we had "good" wristbands and were in the first group slated for distribution. We received the book by 12:30, which was great!

We had friends visiting this weekend, so we couldn't devote the hours desired for reading. I read a little over a chapter before going to sleep (miraculous for me, as usually I read a page or two of a book and fall asleep when I try to read before bed) and was able to sneak in a little bit on Saturday and Sunday. I'm so envious of my husband, who is a quick reader, who was already halfway finished by last night! I'm hoping for a quiet week so I can devote all my free-time to the book.

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